The Recipe for Growth: Precise Restaurant Market Targeting.

The Targeting Smart Recipe for Growth. Precision Targeting Reaches Prospective Diners. Targeting Smart's digital tools connect you with interested parties, turning them into sales.

  • Laser-Focused Targeting: We don't waste resources on scattershot tactics. Our in-depth consumer database lets you target specific demographics, psychographics, and geographic areas, ensuring your message resonates with the potential diners who matter most.

  • Pinpoint Retargeting: Keep your restaurant top-of-mind with pinpoint remarketing strategies. Reconnect with potential diners who have already shown interest, driving them to take action.

  • Location-Based Engagement: Don't miss a chance to connect! Geofencing technology allows you to target potential diners near competitor establishments, special events, or even their own neighborhoods. Deliver relevant messages at the perfect time and place to maximize impact.

  • Hyper-Targeted Follow-Up: For an extra punch, combine geofencing with pinpoint remarketing. Reach diners who have been exposed to your business in specific locations and re-engage them with personalized messages, creating a powerful one-two punch.


Engage Potential Clients Across Channels: Our suite of tools utilizes a variety of engaging formats to reach diners where they are. Leverage banner ads, pre-roll video, and internet radio to deliver your message and maximize impact.

With Targeting Smart, your campaign message reaches the right people, right when they're most receptive.

Each advertising campaign is different requiring a unique deployment of our digital tools that will generate the best results for your business. Call us today... We make onboarding easy.

Geofencing takes the guesswork out of location-based marketing for restaurants.

Restaurants can leverage geofencing in several creative ways to attract customers and boost business.

Target Hungry Audiences:

  • Competitor Targeting: Draw geofences around competitor locations. When potential customers with their phones enter that zone, hit them with targeted ads showcasing your unique menu items or special offers. This is especially effective during peak hours when they might be feeling indecisive.

  • rest_crowd
  • Workplace Targeting: Identify areas where your ideal customers are employed. Target office buildings or business parks with lunch options. Offer them a convenient and tempting alternative for their midday meal break.

  • Re-engage Past Customers: Geofence your own restaurant's location. Reach out to previous diners with special offers or loyalty program incentives to encourage return visits.

  • Attract Event Crowds: Are there stadiums, concert venues, or popular events happening nearby? Place geofences in these areas to target hungry attendees before, during, or after the event. Offer them a convenient option to grab a bite before the show or unwind with a meal afterwards.

  • Drive-Thru Efficiency: If you have a drive-thru, consider geofencing a wider radius around your location. As potential customers enter the zone, send them targeted ads highlighting your drive-thru options and promoting faster wait times compared to competitors.

Here are some additional tips to maximize your restaurant's geofencing success:

  • Craft Compelling Ads: Go beyond just displaying your address. Highlight enticing menu items, special promotions, or unique selling points to grab attention.

  • Offer Value: Incentivize clicks with limited-time discounts or special offers exclusive to geofence viewers.

  • Track and Analyze: Monitor your geofencing campaigns to see what resonates with your audience. This will help you refine your targeting and messaging for future campaigns.

By strategically using geofencing, restaurants can reach highly relevant customers at the perfect moment, driving more traffic and increasing sales.

Targeting Smart can help create a success plan.