Avoid draining your budget with common digital advertising traps.
Tired of ad campaigns that fall flat? Targeting Smart has seen countless digital campaigns miss the mark, leading to wasted resources.
The culprit? Often, it boils down to one of four issues:
- Mismatched goals and budgets: Aiming for massive reach with a shoestring budget just isn't realistic.
- Uninspiring creative: Bland ads get ignored. Make them count!
- Imprecise targeting: Spraying your message everywhere is like shouting in a crowded room. Nobody hears you.
- Flawed execution: Even a great plan needs flawless execution to succeed.
The key? Accurate, measurable, and cost-effective campaigns.

Is Your Target Audience Even Seeing Your Ads? Targeting Smart can help you reach the right people.
Social Media Advertising Downsides - What They Don't Tell You....
Millions of online ads are displayed daily, riddled with errors from imprecise targeting to blurry images and hard-to-read text.
One often-missed culprit? Not setting ad frequency, which controls how often each person sees your ad, leading to the potential for ad fatigue and reduced effectiveness over time.
While social media platforms offer diverse targeting options, their capabilities differ greatly. Each platform utilizes unique algorithms, and precise individual targeting is unavailable across the board.

These major platforms (Google, Facebook, etc.) can't target ads based on selected attributes (for example, why advertise your property with 2 bedrooms, to an individual with 5 children? (wasted ad spend).
The social media platforms cannot provide you with a list of the individuals that are seeing your ads.
Custom Audience" targeting on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn only works if the individual is a member of that platform. Note: each platform has their own targeting algorithm.
A word about smart digital-driven consumer targeting
Precision in digital advertising requires a delicate balance. While our vast database empowers you with deep consumer insights, over-targeting can limit your reach.
Our experts work closely with you to find the sweet spot – maximizing your reach while ensuring your message resonates with the most receptive audience; something social media providers (for example Google Ads, LinkedIn, and others) can't perform with their automated tools.
Deep Dive Analysis
Our ad experts regularly uncover shocking mistakes. Here are a few eye-openers.
Case: Target Language
Yaamava Casino missed the boat. These ads (in Korean) were displayed to many people who don't speak the language.

Case: Geolocation Error
This UPS Store ad text indicates the nearest store is 47.38 miles. In reality, a store was only 1.5 miles from our associates location.

Case: Far Away Show
Location, location, location. This Manteca RV show was over 400 miles from our associates location (one way)..

Case: Mistaken Identity
Instances of this ad was and still is being seen by the wrong gender and easily considered a wasted ad spend.

TIP: What is frequency capping, and why should I care?
Frequency capping is a tool that lets you control how often someone sees your ad. It's like the "snooze" button for your advertising, making sure your message doesn't get annoying.
Explanation: Frequency capping ensures users are not repeatedly exposed to the same ad, which can lead to irritation or loss of interest. By setting a cap, advertisers can manage their budget more effectively, reaching a broader audience rather than spending on the same users multiple times. This approach improves user experience and increases the likelihood of engagemen
How does it work?
Imagine you're running a holiday sale for your online store. You create an awesome ad, but you don't want to bombard people with it. Frequency capping lets you set a limit, like showing the ad a maximum of 3 times per day to each person. This keeps your audience engaged without overwhelming them.
Benefits of Frequency Capping:
- Happy users: No one likes being stalked by the same ad. Frequency capping keeps your audience happy.
- More bang for your buck: Instead of wasting money showing the same ad to the same people, you can spread your reach and connect with a wider audience.
- Better results: Fresh ads are more likely to grab attention. Frequency capping helps you keep your ads engaging and effective.
- Prevents ad fatigue: Avoids overexposure to the same audience.
Bonus Tip: Combine frequency capping with ad scheduling to show your ads only during peak times when people are most likely to engage.
Frequency capping is a simple but powerful tool that can make a big difference in your advertising success. So, ditch the megaphone and embrace the "snooze" button for smarter, more effective campaigns. Contact us for more insights: (949) 328-6900

Additional targeting errors
Avoid Costly Targeting Mistakes with Targeting Smart
Many businesses waste ad spend by targeting the wrong audience. Here are some common examples:
- Pet Products: Advertising pet products to people without pets.
- Preschools: Promoting preschools to families without young children.
- College Programs: Targeting college programs to seniors who are unlikely to relocate.
- Political Campaigns: Reaching out to voters with a history of non-participation.
- Real Estate: Showing ads for properties that are too small for a family's needs.
These targeting errors result in wasted resources and missed opportunities.
Targeting Smart helps you avoid these mistakes. Our precise targeting capabilities ensure that your ads reach the right audience, maximizing your ROI and driving results.
Selectable Database Field Attributes
GEOGRAPHY Street State County City Postal Code MARITAL STATUS, AGE AND LIFESTAGE Gender Marital Status Year of Birth Full Date of Birth Age (banded) Partner’s Year of Birth Partner’s Full Date of Birth Individual’s Lifestage–Age Driven Household Level Lifestage–Age Driven Individual’s Lifestage–Family Status Driven Household Lifestage–Family Status Driven Young Adult Still Living at Home Number of Young Adults Still Living at Home PRESENCE OF CHILDREN Parent Status Dependent Children in Household Number of Children at Home (0-21 Years) Number of Children in the Household Aged 00-10 Number of Children in the Household Aged 00-16 Number of Children in the Household Aged 11-16 Number of Children in the Household Aged 17-21 Child at Home 0-4 Years Old Child at Home 5-7 Years Old Child at Home 8-10 Years Old Child at Home 11-16 Years Old Child at Home 17-21 Years Old Age of Eldest Child Age of Eldest Child in Household Age of Youngest Child Age of Youngest Child in Household Children’s Year of Birth HOUSEHOLD COMPOSITION Head of Household Indicator Household Size–Number of Adults in Household Total Household Size (Adults and Children) Summary Household Composition Detailed Household Composition HOME AND PROPERTY Home Ownership Status How Many Times Homebuyer (1st, 2nd, 3rd+ Home) Year Moved to Address Length of Residence (Banded) Month Moved into Current Home Year Current Household Moved Into the Address Household Length of Residence (Banded) Type of Property Number of Bedrooms Date Home Built OCCUPATION AND EMPLOYMENT MEASURES Individual’s Occupation Partner’s Occupation Individual’s Employment Status Partner’s Employment Status Self Employed Partner is Self Employed Run Business From Home (You) Run Business From Home (Partner) Individual or Partner is Professional/Manager Individual or Partner is Educational/Medical Individual or Partner is Office/Clerical/Shopworker Individual or Partner is Craftsman/Tradesman Individual or Partner is Manual/factory worker Individual or Partner is Self Employed Individual or Partner is Housewife Individual or Partner is Retired Individual or Partner is Student Number of Students in Household INCOME AND AFFLUENCE MEASURES Combined Annual Household Income Equivalised Income Equivalised Household Income Indexed to US Average Net Household Income Per Week (Banded) Net Household Income Per Week Indexed to US Average Discretionary Household Income Per Week (Banded) Dual Income No Kids Yet Affluence Ranking Household Affluence Ranking Lifestage by Affluence Household Level Lifestage by Affluence Household Socio Economic Classification Individual Has an Earning Occupation Partner has an Earning Occupation Incomes Across Individual and Partner Number of earners in the household Proportion of Adults Earning Number of Unemployed in the Household Proportion Adults Unemployed Number of Non-Earning Adults in Household Household Employment Status (Based on Household’s Primary Couple) Pensioner Status (Based on Household’s Primary Couple) LIFESTYLE–REGULAR LEISURE INTERESTS Bet on Horse Racing Book Reading Charities/Voluntary Work Crossword Puzzles Current Affairs Cycling Do-It-Yourself Eating Out Fashion Clothing Fine Art/Antiques Football Foreign Travel Further Education Gardening Going to the Gym Going to the Pub Golf Gourmet Cooking Fine Foods & Wines Grandchildren Health Foods Hiking/Walking Household Pets Jogging/Physical Exercise Listening to Music National Trust Personal Computing Prize Draws & Competitions Religious Activities Snow Skiing Theatre, Cultural/Arts Events Vitamins/Food Supplements Wildlife/Environmental Concerns Non Smoking Household Cultural Pursuits Interest level Entertainment Interest level Animal/Nature Awareness level Outdoor Pursuits level TRAVEL Take European Holidays Take USA Holidays–Ranked Likelihood Take Rest of the World Holidays–Ranked Likelihood Foreign Travel as a regular hobby Snow Skiing as a regular hobby | NEWSPAPER READERSHIP Quality Newspaper Readers Mid-Market Newspaper Readers Popular Newspaper Readers Financial Times TECHNOLOGY Have a PC in the Household Have Internet Access at Home Have Internet Broadband Personal Computing as a Regular Interest Games Console Digital Camera Mobile/Music Streaming Device Have Flat Screen TV Have HD TV Pay to View TV Subscription Cable TV Satellite TV Mobile Phone Mobile Contract Payment Type (Contract/Pre-Pay) Household Technology Ranking Consumer Electronics Audience Segmentation (Spend on Technology and Motivation to Buy) Telecoms Audience Segmentation (Spend on Communication Services and Devices and Motivation to Buy) AUTOMOTIVE Motorist Bought a Car Under 3 Years Old SMMT Car Classification Age of Car Bought Car New/Used Number of Cars in Household Car Fuel Type (Petrol/Diesel) Annual Mileage INSURANCE RENEWAL Car Insurance Expiry Month Buildings Insurance Expiry Month Contents Insurance Expiry Month Changed Home Insurance Provider in Last 3 Years Level of Motor no Claims Discount FINANCE AND INSURANCE Have a Mortgage Individual/Partner has Personal Loan–Ranked Likelihood Personal Loan Individual/Partner is Credit Card Holder Household Credit Card Ownership Number of Credit Cards Have Visa/Master Card Have American Express Card Have a Store/Shop Card Have a Debit Card Private Pension–Ranked Likelihood Private Pension Regular Savings Plan–Ranked Likelihood Regular Savings Plan Child Savings Plan–Ranked Likelihood Child Savings Plan Unit Trusts/High Interest Investments Own Stocks/Shares Have an ISA Investment Activity Ranking Household Level Investment Activity Ranking Life Assurance–Ranked Likelihood Life Insurance Private Medical Insurance–Ranked Likelihood Private Medical Insurance Accident Insurance–Ranked Likelihood Accident Insurance Funeral Plan–Ranked Likelihood Funeral Plan Insurance Activity Ranking Household Level Insurance Activity Ranking Will CHARITY INTERESTS AND ACTIVITY Charities/Voluntary Work Charity Donor Ranking Household level Charity Donor Ranking Donate to Environmental/Animal/Wildlife Causes– Ranked Likelihood Donate to Animal Pet Welfare Donate to Environmental Causes Donate to Wildlife Care Donate to Global Causes–Ranked Likelihood Donate to Disaster Relief Donate to Third World Donate to Other Causes Donate to Local Causes Donate to Children’s Welfare Donate to Help the Elderly Donate to Medical Research Donate to Disabled/Handicapped Donate to Cancer Research Donate to Help the Homeless METHOD OF DONATION Contribute to Charity in the Street/at the Door Contribute to Charity by Post–Ranked Likelihood Contribute to Charity by Post Contribute by–Direct Debit Contribute by–Internet ENVIRONMENT Environment Friendly Product Levels Recycled Product Levels Green Status–Ranked Percentile CHANNEL BEHAVIOUR Probability to Buy Groceries Online–Often Probability to Buy Groceries Online–Sometimes Probability to Buy Groceries Online–Never Probability to Buy Insurance–Online Probability to Buy Insurance–in shop Probability to Buy Insurance–by phone Probability to use Internet for–Email Probability to use Internet for–Google Probability to use Internet for–eBay Probability to use Internet for–Weather News Probability to use Internet for–Price Comparison Probability to use Internet for–Social Networking Probability to use Internet for–Messaging Probability to use Internet for–Gambling/Betting Probability to use Internet for–Games Playing Probability to use Internet for–Paying Bills Probability to Research Tech Prod–Online Probability to Research Tech Prod–in shop Probability to Research Tech Prod–from Catalogue Probability to Buy Technical Prod–Online Probability to Buy Technical Prod–in Shop Probability to Buy Technical Prod–via Catalogue Probability to Use Mobile Phone for–Internet Probability to Have Freeview TV Probability to Have Satellite TV Probability to Have Cable TV Probability to Read News Online–Often Probability to Read News Online–Never Probability to Read News Online–Sometimes Probability to Book Holiday via–Internet Probability to Book Holiday via–Agent Online Purchase Frequency Online Behaviour Segments MAIL ORDER Shopping by Catalogue Interest Mail Order Frequency GROCERY SHOPPING Main Shopping Weekly Grocery Spend CHANNEL PREDICTOR Preference to Receive Marketing Communications via Email Preference to Receive Marketing Communications via Direct Mail Preference to Receive Marketing Communications via Telephone Preference to Receive Marketing Communications via Text Preference to Receive Marketing Communications via Social Networking Channel Preference Mix Segments |
An attention to detail will almost completely erase digital ad campaign errors.