Imagine reaching these motivated home buyers with laser-focused ads, right when they're primed to make a decision.

Target Smart, Not Broad: Reach the Right Homebuyers

Precision Targeting Reaches Prospective Home Buyers. Targeting Smart's digital tools connect you with interested parties, turning them into leads/sales.

  • Laser-Focused Targeting: We don't waste resources on scattershot tactics. Our in-depth consumer database lets you target specific demographics, psychographics, and geographic areas, ensuring your message resonates with the potential buyers who matter most.

  • re_agentPinpoint Retargeting: Keep your agency top-of-mind with pinpoint remarketing strategies. Reconnect with potential clients who have already shown interest, driving them to take action.

  • Location-Based Engagement: Don't miss a chance to connect! Geofencing technology allows you to target potential buyers near open houses, model home centers, or even their own neighborhoods. Deliver relevant messages at the perfect time and place to maximize impact.

  • Hyper-Targeted Follow-Up: For an extra punch, combine geofencing with pinpoint remarketing. Reach buyers who have been exposed to your agency in specific locations and re-engage them with personalized messages, creating a powerful one-two punch.


Engage Potential Clients Across Channels: Our suite of tools utilizes a variety of engaging formats to reach buyers where they are. Leverage banner ads, pre-roll video, and internet radio to deliver your message and maximize impact.

With Targeting Smart, your campaign message reaches the right people, right when they're most receptive.

Each advertising campaign is different requiring a unique deployment of our digital tools that will generate the best results for your agency.