Targeting Smart: Powering Political Victories Since 1999

Proven Track Record: Our results speak for themselves. We have a history of helping political candidates at all levels secure victories across the nation.

Cutting Through the Noise: How Digital Marketing Wins Elections

Precision Targeting Reaches Voters Who Can Make a Difference. Forget megaphones and mass mailers. Today's elections are won by reaching the right voters with laser focus. In our digital age, political campaigns are wielding the power of technology to connect with constituents, raise funds, and ultimately, secure victory. This shift unlocks incredible potential for reach, targeted messaging, and fostering deeper voter connections. world-class_3Targeting Smart's digital tools connect you with voters who matter most, turning them into passionate supporters.

  • Laser-Focused Targeting Engagement: Our in-depth voter database (over 220+ Million records with hundreds of rich data points) sets us apart from competitors who might offer more generic targeting options. Targeting voters by demographic, psychographic, and geographic areas (e.g., income level, interests, political views) lets you reach the most relevant voters and maximize your campaign's efficiency.

    Here's what sets us apart:

    • No Prior Interaction Needed: Unlike our retargeting option, our approach reaches the ideal voters, even if they haven't interacted with you before.
    • Omnichannel Domination: We can deliver your message across all media channels – banner ads, Connected TV, pre-roll video, and internet radio. Blanket your target audience wherever they consume content.
    • Transparency & Control: Forget the black box of algorithm-based targeting offered by Google Ads, LinkedIn, and others. With Targeting Smart, you have complete control over who sees your ads.

    Let us show you how laser-focused targeting engagement can win your election.

Selectable Attributes

- Registration Status
(Active vs. Inactive)
- First Name
- Middle Name
- Last Name
- Name Suffix
- Birthdate
- Official Reg Date
- Calculated Reg Date
- Age
- Ethnic Description
- Broad Ethnic Groupings
- State Voter ID
- County Voter ID
- Party Identification
- Gender
- Military Status (Active)
- Marital Status
- Veteran
- Gun Owner
- Concealed Weapons Permit
- Occupation Industry
- Occupation
- Business Owner
- Median Education Years
- Absentee Types
- Net Worth
- Absentee
- Likely Religion
- Hispanic Country of Origin


- FEC Total Donations Amount
- FEC Total Donations Range
- FEC Last Donation Date
- FEC Donors Avg Donation
- FEC Avg Donation Range
- FEC Donors Primary Recipient
- Religious Contributor
- Political Contributor
- Donates Environment Causes
- Donates To Charity
- Donates to Animal Welfare
- Donates to Arts and Culture
- Donates to Childrens Causes
- Donates to - Healthcare
- Donates to International Aid
- Donates to Wildlife Orgs
- Donates to Conservatives
- Donates to Liberals
- Donates to Local Community
- Donates to Veterans Causes
- Interest in Automotive
- Interest in Military History
- Interest in Religion
- Interest in Science Space
- Interest in Education Online
- Interest in Electronic Gaming
- Interest in Theater
- Interest in the Arts
- Interest in Musical Instruments
- Interest in Home Repair
- Interest in Auto Work
- Interest in Sewing Knitting
- Interest in Woodworking
- Interest in Tennis
- Interest in Golf
- Interest in Photography
- Interest in Aviation
- Interest in House Plants
- Interest in Crafts
- Interest in Gardening
- Interest in Photography Video
- Interest in Smoking
- Interest in Home Furnishings
- Interest in Home Improvement
- Interest in Food/Wines
- Interest in Cooking General
- Interest in Cooking Gourmet
- Interest in Foods Natural
- Interest in Board Games
- Interest in Gaming Casino
- Interest in Lottery
- Interest in Travel Domestic
- Interest in Travel International
- Interest in Travel Cruise
- Interest in Exercise Health
- Interest in Running/Jogging
- Interest in Exercise Walking
- Interest in Exercise Aerobic
- Interest in Auto Racing
- Interest in Spectator Sports
- Interest in Football
- Interest in Baseball
- Interest in Basketball
- Interest in Hockey
- Interest in Soccer
- Interest in Snow Skiing
- Interest in Motorcycling
- Interest in NASCAR
- Interest in Boating/Sailing
- Interest in Scuba Diving
- Interest in Sports Leisure
- Interest in Hunting
- Interest in Fishing
- Interest in Shooting
- Upscale Buyer
- Upscale Male Buyer
- Upscale Female Buyer
- Estimated Home Value
- Home Purchase Date
- Home Purchase Price
- Land Value
- Home Owner/Renter
- Property Type
- Dwelling Type
- Likely Union Member
- Home Office
- Neighborhood Lifestyle
- Income Education
- Investor
- Horse Owner
- Cat Owner
- Dog Owner
- Other Pet Owner

- Amex Gold or Platinum Card
- Credit Range
- Credit Score
- Discover CC
- Discover Gold or Premium CC
- Gold or Premium Gas CC
- Household # Lines of Credit
- # of Generations in Household
- Mastercard Gold or Premium CC
- Newly Issued CCs
- Other Credit Card
- Presence of Bankcard
- Presence of CCs
- Presence of Gas / Dept. Store CC
- Presence of Gold / Platinum CC
- Presence of Premium CC
- Presence of Upscale Retail CC
- Travel Entertainment CC
- Visa Gold or Premium CC
- Visa Regular CC

- Political Leanings
- Issue Preferences
- Read Mail
- On Social Media
- Rideshare Users
- TV Viewer or Cord Cutter
- Buyer of Antiques
- Buyer of Art
- General Collector
- Stamps Collector
- Coins Collector
- Arts Collector
- Antiques Collector
- Avid Collector
- Sports Collector
- Military Collector
- Interest in Current Affairs
- Interest in Politics
- General Reading
- Religious Reading
- Science Fiction Reading
- Magazines Reading
- Audio Book Reading
- Book Buyer
- Family Magazine
- Female Oriented Magazine
- Religious Magazine
- Gardening Magazine
- Culinary Interest Magazine
- Health Fitness Magazine
- Do It Yourself Magazine
- Financial Magazine

- Complex Elections Returns
- Primary Ballot Returns
- Early Voting
- General Elections
- Primary Elections
- Local Elections
- Special Elections
- Vote Frequency
- NEW Congressional Districts
- OLD Congressional Districts
- NEW State Senate Districts
- OLD State Senate Districts
- NEW State House Districts
- OLD State House Districts
- Counties
- Precinct/Voting Districts
- Cities
- City Council Districts
- Commissioner District
- Hamlet/Community Areas
- Towns
- Unified School Districts
- Public Utility Districts
- School Districts
- Judicial Districts
- Cable Zones (NCC)
- Nielsen DMA Zones

- Landline Telephone Number
- Telephone Cell Flag
- Telephone Confidence Code
- Emails (additional cost)
- Mailing Address
- Mailing Extra Address
- Mailing City
- Mailing State
- Mailing Zip Code
- Mailing ZipPlus4
  • Pinpoint Retargeting: In today's crowded political landscape, capturing voters' attention is a constant battle. They're bombarded with messages from all sides, and a single fleeting interaction with your campaign might fade quickly. That's where pinpoint retargeting comes in – your secret weapon for keeping your candidacy top-of-mind and driving voters to action.

    Pinpoint retargeting goes beyond traditional remarketing. It's a laser-focused strategy that leverages sophisticated data and targeting techniques to reconnect with voters who have already shown interest in your campaign.

  • Location-Based Engagement: Forget chasing after voters – let them know you're there! Geofencing is your game-changer for delivering targeted messages at the perfect time and place.

    Geofencing is a location-based marketing technique that utilizes virtual perimeters to target mobile devices within a specific geographic area. Imagine an invisible fence drawn around a real-world location using GPS, Wi-Fi, or cellular data. This virtual fence is the "geofence."

    When a mobile device with location services enabled enters or exits the geofence, an action is triggered. These actions can be anything from displaying a notification on the device to sending a text message or prompting an app download.

  • Hyper-Targeted Follow-Up: For an extra punch, combine geofencing with pinpoint remarketing. Reach voters who have been exposed to your campaign in specific locations and re-engage them with personalized messages, creating a powerful one-two punch.


Engage Voters Across Channels: Our suite of tools utilizes a variety of engaging formats to reach voters where they are. Leverage banner ads, pre-roll video, Connected TV, and internet radio to deliver your message and maximize impact.

With Targeting Smart, your campaign message reaches the right voters, right when they're most receptive. Each political campaign is different requiring a unique deployment of our digital tools that will generate the best results for the candidate.

Targeting Smart Helps Candidates WIN elections.

2_readyTargeting Smart isn't your average ad agency. Founded by political operatives in 1999, we specialize in helping campaigns win elections at all levels.

What makes us different?

  • Deep political expertise: With over 190 campaigns under our belt, we understand the unique challenges of political advertising.

  • Data-driven targeting: Reach the right voters with laser precision using our "anywhere, anytime" mobile technology and massive consumer data resources.

  • All-in-one platform: Manage your entire digital advertising campaign from one place - target voters, place ads across channels, track performance, and optimize delivery for maximum impact.

  • Client-focused approach: We partner with you to develop winning strategies and deliver thoughtful solutions across all digital channels. Constituent Microtargeting (in plain English) is all about getting the right content (message), seen by the right constituent population, that may result in support of your campaign/cause.

  • NOTE: Targeting Smart: precision voter microtargeting does not rely upon or use social media platforms.

Microtargeting works when you have access (directly or indirectly) to a voter database (our comprehensive political database of over 250 Million registered voters is unsurprised) where each record has been appended with Geographic, Demographic, and Psychographic attributes (most of which are not found in traditional voter records).

Targeting Smart: Where innovation meets results. Let us turn your campaign vision into reality. Contact us today.