Why Targeting Smart

Automobile Service Centers Case Study - putting you in the driver's seat.

Stand Out, Be Found, Drive Results with Targeting Smart

Boost your brand awareness and reach your precisely targeted audience with our massive consumer database and cutting edge digital ad delivery technology.

PREFACE: Over the years, there have been numerous case studies between Targeting Smart and automotive industry clients that we could have been cited.
While all are equally important in the own right, we've chosen the Automotive Service Centers because it is the easiest to comprehend.

The Problem Statement

Most auto service centers do not possess the tools and expertise to thrive in today's digital landscape. Targeting new customers is extremely foreign and daunting.

With Targeting Smart we can provide small and medium-sized auto service businesses with cutting-edge digital advertising solutions. Our massive vehicle information database and advanced targeting capabilities can help them reach the right customers and drive business growth.

Service Repairmen

The Collaborative Journey

The first major step in crafting a digital-driven ad campaign for any auto service center is to learn about their core business (what they do well), what they want to accomplish, and their ad budget.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Targeting Smart has access to the largest vehicle database in the United States.

Reach nearly 200 million auto owners nationwide with our Automotive Database. Every record contains a VIN from which detailed vehicle-related information is derived including year, make and model.

All records are multi-source verified to ensure accuracy. This enables our clients to reach known vehicle owners by make, model, year, mileage and more. Our multi-sourced proprietary database is 100% marketing compliant and contains vehicle ownership records that are as recent as this year. The database is fully updated every month and built from tens of millions of privately sourced vehicle transaction sources including sales and service data, auto warranty data and aftermarket repair facilities.

The Solution - Case Study

you-and-us_targetThis approach effectively addressed the client's need to target two distinct customer segments:

  • Toyota Owners: The first campaign specifically targeted Toyota owners with messaging and visuals tailored to their needs, highlighting expertise in Toyota repairs. This likely resonated with Toyota owners who are looking for specialized service for their vehicles.
  • General Vehicle Owners: The second campaign targeted a broader audience of car owners with messaging that emphasized general repair services for all makes and models. This ensured that the client could also attract customers outside of their Toyota specialization.

Key Benefits of this approach:

Increased Relevance: By tailoring the messaging and visuals to each target audience, the campaigns were more likely to resonate and drive engagement.

Improved Efficiency: Separate campaigns allowed for optimized budget allocation and performance tracking for each target segment.

Enhanced Brand Positioning: The Toyota-specific campaign helped establish the client as a specialist in Toyota repairs, while the general campaign broadened their reach and appeal.

Additional Considerations:

Data-Driven Targeting: The success of this approach relies on accurate targeting data. Targeting Smart likely leveraged their extensive database of vehicle information to ensure the ads reached the right audience segments.

Creative Differentiation: Using distinct graphics for each campaign helped further tailor the message and avoid confusing the target audiences.

Performance Tracking: Monitoring the performance of each campaign separately allowed the client to identify which segments were most responsive and adjust their strategy accordingly.

This dual-campaign approach demonstrates how Targeting Smart can leverage its expertise and technology to deliver customized solutions that meet the unique needs of each client.

A word about smart digital-driven consumer targeting

Precision in digital advertising requires a delicate balance. While our vast database empowers you with deep consumer insights, over-targeting can limit your reach.

Our experts work closely with you to find the sweet spot – maximizing your reach while ensuring your message resonates with the most receptive audience; something social media providers (for example Google Ads, LinkedIn, and others) can't perform with their automated tools.

Deep Dive Analysis

Deep Dive Analysis

Deep Dive Analysis

Selectable Database Field Attributes

Postal Code

Marital Status
Year of Birth
Full Date of Birth
Age (banded)
Partner’s Year of Birth
Partner’s Full Date of Birth
Individual’s Lifestage–Age Driven
Household Level Lifestage–Age Driven
Individual’s Lifestage–Family Status Driven
Household Lifestage–Family Status Driven
Young Adult Still Living at Home
Number of Young Adults Still Living at Home

Parent Status
Dependent Children in Household
Number of Children at Home (0-21 Years)
Number of Children in the Household Aged 00-10
Number of Children in the Household Aged 00-16
Number of Children in the Household Aged 11-16
Number of Children in the Household Aged 17-21
Child at Home 0-4 Years Old
Child at Home 5-7 Years Old
Child at Home 8-10 Years Old
Child at Home 11-16 Years Old
Child at Home 17-21 Years Old
Age of Eldest Child
Age of Eldest Child in Household
Age of Youngest Child
Age of Youngest Child in Household
Children’s Year of Birth

Head of Household Indicator
Household Size–Number of Adults in Household
Total Household Size (Adults and Children)
Summary Household Composition
Detailed Household Composition

Home Ownership Status
How Many Times Homebuyer (1st, 2nd, 3rd+ Home)
Year Moved to Address
Length of Residence (Banded)
Month Moved into Current Home
Year Current Household Moved Into the Address
Household Length of Residence (Banded)
Type of Property
Number of Bedrooms
Date Home Built

Individual’s Occupation
Partner’s Occupation
Individual’s Employment Status
Partner’s Employment Status
Self Employed
Partner is Self Employed
Run Business From Home (You)
Run Business From Home (Partner)
Individual or Partner is Professional/Manager
Individual or Partner is Educational/Medical
Individual or Partner is Office/Clerical/Shopworker
Individual or Partner is Craftsman/Tradesman
Individual or Partner is Manual/factory worker
Individual or Partner is Self Employed
Individual or Partner is Housewife
Individual or Partner is Retired
Individual or Partner is Student
Number of Students in Household

Combined Annual Household Income
Equivalised Income
Equivalised Household Income Indexed to US Average
Net Household Income Per Week (Banded)
Net Household Income Per Week Indexed to US Average
Discretionary Household Income Per Week (Banded)
Dual Income No Kids Yet
Affluence Ranking
Household Affluence Ranking
Lifestage by Affluence
Household Level Lifestage by Affluence
Household Socio Economic Classification
Individual Has an Earning Occupation
Partner has an Earning Occupation
Incomes Across Individual and Partner
Number of earners in the household
Proportion of Adults Earning
Number of Unemployed in the Household
Proportion Adults Unemployed
Number of Non-Earning Adults in Household
Household Employment Status (Based on Household’s Primary Couple)
Pensioner Status (Based on Household’s Primary Couple)

Bet on Horse Racing
Book Reading
Charities/Voluntary Work
Crossword Puzzles
Current Affairs
Eating Out
Fashion Clothing
Fine Art/Antiques
Foreign Travel
Further Education
Going to the Gym
Going to the Pub
Gourmet Cooking
Fine Foods & Wines
Health Foods
Household Pets
Jogging/Physical Exercise
Listening to Music
National Trust
Personal Computing
Prize Draws & Competitions
Religious Activities
Snow Skiing
Theatre, Cultural/Arts Events
Vitamins/Food Supplements
Wildlife/Environmental Concerns
Non Smoking Household
Cultural Pursuits Interest level
Entertainment Interest level
Animal/Nature Awareness level
Outdoor Pursuits level

Take European Holidays
Take USA Holidays–Ranked Likelihood
Take Rest of the World Holidays–Ranked Likelihood
Foreign Travel as a regular hobby
Snow Skiing as a regular hobby

Quality Newspaper Readers
Mid-Market Newspaper Readers
Popular Newspaper Readers
Financial Times

Have a PC in the Household
Have Internet Access at Home
Have Internet Broadband
Personal Computing as a Regular Interest
Games Console
Digital Camera
Mobile/Music Streaming Device
Have Flat Screen TV
Have HD TV
Pay to View TV Subscription
Cable TV
Satellite TV
Mobile Phone
Mobile Contract Payment Type (Contract/Pre-Pay)
Household Technology Ranking
Consumer Electronics Audience Segmentation
(Spend on Technology and Motivation to Buy)
Telecoms Audience Segmentation
(Spend on Communication Services and Devices and
Motivation to Buy)

Bought a Car Under 3 Years Old
SMMT Car Classification
Age of Car
Bought Car New/Used
Number of Cars in Household
Car Fuel Type (Petrol/Diesel)
Annual Mileage

Car Insurance Expiry Month
Buildings Insurance Expiry Month
Contents Insurance Expiry Month
Changed Home Insurance Provider in Last 3 Years
Level of Motor no Claims Discount

Have a Mortgage
Individual/Partner has Personal Loan–Ranked Likelihood
Personal Loan
Individual/Partner is Credit Card Holder
Household Credit Card Ownership
Number of Credit Cards
Have Visa/Master Card
Have American Express Card
Have a Store/Shop Card
Have a Debit Card
Private Pension–Ranked Likelihood
Private Pension
Regular Savings Plan–Ranked Likelihood
Regular Savings Plan
Child Savings Plan–Ranked Likelihood
Child Savings Plan
Unit Trusts/High Interest Investments
Own Stocks/Shares
Have an ISA
Investment Activity Ranking
Household Level Investment Activity Ranking
Life Assurance–Ranked Likelihood
Life Insurance
Private Medical Insurance–Ranked Likelihood
Private Medical Insurance
Accident Insurance–Ranked Likelihood
Accident Insurance
Funeral Plan–Ranked Likelihood
Funeral Plan
Insurance Activity Ranking
Household Level Insurance Activity Ranking

Charities/Voluntary Work
Charity Donor Ranking
Household level Charity Donor Ranking
Donate to Environmental/Animal/Wildlife Causes– Ranked Likelihood
Donate to Animal Pet Welfare
Donate to Environmental Causes
Donate to Wildlife Care
Donate to Global Causes–Ranked Likelihood
Donate to Disaster Relief
Donate to Third World
Donate to Other Causes
Donate to Local Causes
Donate to Children’s Welfare
Donate to Help the Elderly
Donate to Medical Research
Donate to Disabled/Handicapped
Donate to Cancer Research
Donate to Help the Homeless

Contribute to Charity in the Street/at the Door
Contribute to Charity by Post–Ranked Likelihood
Contribute to Charity by Post
Contribute by–Direct Debit
Contribute by–Internet

Environment Friendly Product Levels
Recycled Product Levels
Green Status–Ranked Percentile

Probability to Buy Groceries Online–Often
Probability to Buy Groceries Online–Sometimes
Probability to Buy Groceries Online–Never
Probability to Buy Insurance–Online
Probability to Buy Insurance–in shop
Probability to Buy Insurance–by phone
Probability to use Internet for–Email
Probability to use Internet for–Google
Probability to use Internet for–eBay
Probability to use Internet for–Weather News
Probability to use Internet for–Price Comparison
Probability to use Internet for–Social Networking
Probability to use Internet for–Messaging
Probability to use Internet for–Gambling/Betting
Probability to use Internet for–Games Playing
Probability to use Internet for–Paying Bills
Probability to Research Tech Prod–Online
Probability to Research Tech Prod–in shop
Probability to Research Tech Prod–from Catalogue
Probability to Buy Technical Prod–Online
Probability to Buy Technical Prod–in Shop
Probability to Buy Technical Prod–via Catalogue
Probability to Use Mobile Phone for–Internet
Probability to Have Freeview TV
Probability to Have Satellite TV
Probability to Have Cable TV
Probability to Read News Online–Often
Probability to Read News Online–Never
Probability to Read News Online–Sometimes
Probability to Book Holiday via–Internet
Probability to Book Holiday via–Agent
Online Purchase Frequency
Online Behaviour Segments

Shopping by Catalogue Interest
Mail Order Frequency

Main Shopping Weekly Grocery Spend

Preference to Receive Marketing Communications via Email
Preference to Receive Marketing Communications via Direct Mail
Preference to Receive Marketing Communications via Telephone
Preference to Receive Marketing Communications via Text
Preference to Receive Marketing Communications via Social Networking
Channel Preference Mix Segments